Senior Thesis

Interaction Design Senior Thesis \\ September 2019 - May 2020

Website Iteration (4/20-4/24)

This week I planned to refine the website design and continue working on the script and video. Since it’s also rubric review, I need to work on the slide deck - which will also act a draft for the final presentation.


This is the 1-scroll website I refined from last week. It has better composition and things are broken down more easily. I’m still figuring out how to “end” the website as in what to put in at the bottom as a footer. For now, I have a scrolling gallery of other images of the physical components. I was considering adding resources for loss somewhere within the site, but it didn’t feel right because I’m not a trusted professional. Another consideration would be a section to dedicate all of those who helped out with the process. But this is something I want to bring up in the review.

MacBook - 1-min.png



I found free vector illustrations that could be used in the final presentation and video.

I went ahead and experimented with drawkit’s vectors. They are free to use and edit, which I’ve edited the colors to match the visual identity. Even if I don’t end up using these vectors, it was still a helpful experiment to see what free assets exist and how I can manipulate them.


Document 42_2.jpg


I’m thinking a shorter, simpler script fits the card game a bit better due to it being a game around emotions. It could be more a trailer video around how the game works, also evoking the mood and feel of the game rather than how it was made. The logistics of the game would be better displayed on the portfolio site.

Here together is a collaborative card game that invites people to have conversations around loss. Grief and loss can happen to anyone. Processing emotions around this topic can be difficult to articulate and often times it’s a topic people don’t enjoy talking about. Here together creates a safe space for you to talk about these topics. 

In here together, people take turns answering questions from their hand until they play a discussion card. By playing a discussion card, everyone is invited to have an open conversation. There are also action cards where players are welcome to skip their turn or swap cards if they are uncomfortable with the questions they have. Gameplay ends when all players are able to play a discussion card. 

People can share stories, memories and thoughts they haven’t shared before. Whether it’s with friends, family, or strangers, here together brings people closer.

Rubric Review 3

Portfolio Case Study

This is a WIP case study page for the project. Currently, it’s a mess, but I’m trying to at least curate all the process photos so writing it up will be easier. Even thought it will drastically get cut down, I’m adding more info to see what the highlights are.


This week I felt a lot more productive than last week. I felt more inspired in website design and I’m a lot happier with how it looks. It’ll be helpful to get feedback on it during rubric review to fully finalize it in the next few weeks. I also have a better direction for the video - simplifying it to gameplay rather than process was more effective.

Next steps

After getting feedback on the website, I’m going to refine and edit it. From there I’ll work on making it mobile friendly and deciding how to present these touchpoints. I need to consider if I want to include the touchpoints in the video or just the presentation.

Gina Kim